In just 4 clicks, remove all data from your old PC before disposal/sale

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Clean, format, erase and secure, wipe hard disk drive (HDD) and whole computer. PC only. C drive also

Please answer these questions. For more information on each option just touch the button or

What do you want to do with your computer after wiping it? Please click one of the 2 buttons:

As you selected to re-use your computer, do you want to keep the recovery area (if there is one), allowing you to possibly do the manufacturer's recovery to factory settings?

As you selected to dispose of your computer, all hard drives will be completely securely wiped.

How do you want to wipe? All 6 methods include verify and final report.

Time to wipe

Our recommendations are "Random data" and for very sensitive files "Triple random".

Warning: 4 Click Secure Wipe will irrecoverably wipe everything including Windows. You must ensure that you only use it on the computer you want to wipe, with the permission of the owner!
Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8 32 & 64bit. Windows needs to be working.
We also have an older version for Windows 95/98/ME, tick here if you need this instead.
If your computer is recent and was bought with Windows 8/10 you need to disable secure boot.

I have read & agree with the software licence agreement.

March special offer:

We use the world famous Paypal payment agent. No Paypal account required.
We receive payment without ever seeing your financial details or address.
Since March 2010.

You shred your papers?
Shred your old computer
too, as it contains a lot
of personal infomation!

Thank you for your reply - the wipe worked very well - Thanks!
Lorna Stafford. USA.
December 2012